Streets and Sanitation

Waste Collection Quadrants
Below is a map of the City's Waste Collection quadrants. The different quadrants represent the four days the City of Laurens will be doing Waste Collection.
- Monday Waste Collection will be the area in purple.
- Tuesday Waste Collection will be the area in yellow.
- Wednesday Waste Collection will be the area in green.
- Thursday Waste Collection will be the area in brown.
Residents should use the map below to determine what day their waste collection will be on.
Additionally, below the map, all city collection streets are separated into their collection days. Residents can verify that their street is within a specific quadrant using the drop down buttons below. Doing so will help residents determine what their specific waste collection day is.
For example, if a resident thinks that they live in the purple quadrant, then they can click the drop down menu for Monday to see if their street is within that quadrant.
* If you do not see your street listed please contact the Streets and Sanitation department at (864) 984-3621
Trash Pickup Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions
Garbage containers must be placed out and available for pick up by 5:00 a.m. the day of the pickup. It is recommended that carts be placed curbside by 5:00 p.m. the day before your scheduled pickup. Carts shall be returned by the occupant to the point of storage within twelve (12) hours after pickup.
All trash must be bagged in a trash bag to ensure that all trash is deposited into the truck and does not end up outside the truck to prevent littering.
All trash bags must be inside the trash can to be picked up; trash bags are prohibited from being left anywhere outside the can, on the can, and on the lid of the can.
Do not park motor vehicles in front of the trash can.
At least 3 feet of clearance from other objects (e.g. vehicles, mailboxes) must be maintained around the trash can to ensure pickup.
The following materials will not be picked up during residential collection. It is the responsibility of the resident to dispose of these items properly by taking them to the Laurens County Landfill. Visit Recycling & Collection – A Great Place in South Carolina ( for more information.
Automobile fluids such as antifreeze, brake fluid or motor oil
Building materials
Fuel/oil tanks or drums
Propane or oxygen tanks
Railroad ties
Bricks, shingles, concrete blocks or ceramic tiles
Any items left by a hired contractor
Will my rate change?
No, the garbage collection fee will remain at $11.00. Annually, during the budget-setting process, City Council will confirm that rates are consistent with the cost of operation and then, if needed, may establish rate changes. Rate changes would go into effect on July 1st.
Where should I put my cart for collection?
Do not place your carts in the street or in a ditch. You should place your carts at the end of your driveway within two feet of the edge of the street.
Can I leave my carts at the end of the driveway at all times?
No, you are required to move them to a suitable storage location within 12 hours of pickup.
Can I put yard waste in the carts as well?
No. Refrain from placing yard waste in your wheeled carts. Yard waste should be separated by type of yard waste and placed at the edge of your yard. If yard waste is not separated, it will not be collected.
How do I sign up for garbage pickup?
Contact City Hall via telephone at 864-984-3933 to sign up.
Can I recycle?
Yes! The City of Laurens encourages all residents to recycle. The recycling center is located at 124 Caroline Street Laurens, SC 29360. Currently, the recycling center will accept all plastics, cardboard, and paper. Cans can be donated to the City of Laurens Fire Department to be recycled. All other recyclable materials will need to go to Laurens County.